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Šimák Castle Pezinok ****


History and modern, timeless art. Sights in the chambers, also shrouded in the semi-darkness of the underground. Traditional simple dishes as well as regional delicacies served with elegance. All this in a place that, just like in a fairy tale, transformed from an ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.    

Double walls and moats protected the owners of this water castle already in the 13th century. The owners of the manor were several important landowners, among them the county governor Tomáš from the Hunt-Poznan family, the counts from Svätý Jura and Pezinko, or the Croatian nobleman and duke Ján Krušič, who proved himself in the fight against the Turk. He married Katarína Pálfiová, but despite their long marriage, they did not have a child. After some time, Katarína became a widow and said yes to Štefan Illešházi, whom the people of Pezin didn't like because of his cruel rule. And when he got into a dispute with Emperor Rudolph II, he was accused of treason. He was saved from death only by fleeing to Poland. Although Štefan and Katarína improved the manor house in St. Jura together and turned it into a mansion, they did not produce an heir either. Both of their estates - Svatojurá and Peziná were returned to the king and he donated them to the Pálfi family - one of the most influential noble families in Hungary. 

Ján Pálfi (1829 – 1908), a passionate art collector, was the last of them to own the Pezin Castle. He had no direct heirs, but in his will he expressed the wish that all his mansions become museums. Distant relatives did not worry about the count's will. The dispute with Czechoslovakia culminated in an agreement in 1923. They handed over the lock - but in a very bad condition. Subsequently, the cooperative and Vinárske závody were located here. 

Almost a hundred years passed before Count Pálfi's legacy was fulfilled. An enthusiastic collector and art patron Štefan Šimák senior also signed up for it. He had the castle repaired and the interiors furnished, which he made available to the public as well as his extremely rare collection of art glass. His son Štefan Šimák Jr. in turn stands behind the exhibition of JAWA brand motorcycles. Here you can take tours of the castle, but also of the underground, where the Museum of Viticulture and Winemaking is located. It includes an exclusive restaurant, a castle tower, a luxurious wellness & spa and of course a hotel for the most demanding clients.  

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