Business conditions
Definition of terms for the Beauty from majolica project
The organizer of the Beauty from majolica project is the Regional Tourism Organization of Malé Karpaty, with registered office: Štúrova 59, 900 01 Modra, registered in the register of tourism organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, ID: 50110641, Tax Identification Number: 2120248812, not a VAT payer.
The seller is the same as the organizer.
Ceramic workshop
The ceramic workshop is a space in Slovak Folk Majolica, address: Dolná 138, 900 01 Modra or in Majolica R, address: Vinice 5562/3, 902 03 Pezinok-Grinava.
The product is Breakfast set (40 euros), Excursion and ceramic painting (20 euros) from Majolika R and Breakfast set (40 euros), Excursion and ceramic painting (20 euros) from Slovak Folk Majolika.
A buyer is a person who buys one of the products via the e-shop at
A visitor is a person who, when entering the ceramic workshop, presents himself with a confirmation email about the payment of the ticket for the product (in electronic or printed form).
A ticket for a product is a one-time ticket to a specific ceramic workshop, which the visitor chooses when buying a ticket via the e-shop The ticket serves as a confirmation of the completion of the order, which he received at his e-mail address after paying and crediting the amount for the ticket to the bank account of the Regional Tourism Organization of the Lesser Karpaty. Ticket prices for ceramic workshop products are listed in these Terms and Conditions in the "Product" section.
Method of ordering
The visitor can order a ticket to the ceramic workshops online through the website through the shopping cart. Ticket prices for ceramic workshop products are listed in these Terms and Conditions in the "Product" section.
Payment method
For a ticket to the ceramic workshops, which the visitor orders in the e-shop at can pay in two ways:
- Bank transfer to the account number IBAN SK59 0900 0000 0050 8209 2975, Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s
- Card payment through the Stripe payment gateway
Method and time of delivery
After paying and crediting the amount to the bank account of the Regional Tourism Organization of Malá Karpaty, the buyer will immediately receive the e-mail address that he entered in the order form in the e-shop at notification that his order has been fulfilled. This confirmation will be shown when entering the selected ceramic workshop within the Beauty of Majolica project. The confirmation serves as a ticket to the ceramic workshop. It contains the name of the product, the name of the ceramic workshop, the date of the visit to the ceramic workshop and the application of the product, the number of purchased tickets, the price, the billing address).
Order Cancellation
The buyer can cancel the order via e-mail to the seller within 3 hours from the delivery of the order to the seller. To email sends a notification that it is canceling the order within the specified period. The buyer is obliged to state the order number, company name or name, address, phone number in the order cancellation notice. contact, e-mail and account number to which he wishes to return the money.
The buyer agrees to the processing of his personal data: name and surname or company, residential address, billing address, identification number, tax identification number, e-mail address, telephone number (hereinafter referred to as personal data). He agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, for the purpose of realizing the rights and obligations from the purchase contract. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data (when registering, in his user account, when ordering from the web interface of the store) correctly and truthfully and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay about a change in his personal data. Internet store operator processes the personal data of its customers in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments and additions to certain laws ("Act on the Protection of Personal Data").
Claims and warranty
We will deal with any complaints to your satisfaction by an individual agreement with you and in accordance with the applicable legal norm.
Supervisory authority
Supervision of the seller's compliance with the consumer's obligations is the Slovak Trade Inspection, specifically the office of the SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region, Prievozská 32, PO Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, no.: 02/ 58272 172-3, 02/58272 104 fax no.: 02/ 58272 170, email:
Definition of terms for the Husacie hody project
The organizer of the Goose Feast project is the Regional Tourism Organization of Malé Karpaty, with registered office: Štúrova 59, 900 01 Modra, registered in the register of tourism organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, ID: 50110641, VAT ID: 2120248812, not a VAT payer.
The seller is the same as the organizer.
The guild of hussacináros Slovenské Grob
The guild of husacináros Slovenský Grob is a civil association with its registered office: Pezinská 2, 900 26 Slovenský Grob, which unites establishments: Grobský dvor, Husacina u Zápražných, Husacina plus pension, Husacina and pension Karolína, Pivnica u zlatej husi, Zelený dvor, Husacina u Jakub and Grob cottage.
The product is a Gift Voucher for goose parties in the value of 100 euros and 150 euros, which is valid until March 31, 2023 (inclusive) in the offices of the Guild of Goose Poulters in Slovenský Grob.
A buyer is a person who buys one of the products via the e-shop at
A visitor is a person who, when entering one of the establishments of the Slovenské Grob Poultry Guild, presents a Gift Voucher for goose parties in the value of 100 euros or 150 euros and a paid invoice for this product (in electronic or printed form).
Gift voucher
A gift voucher worth 100 euros or 150 euros can be purchased via the e-shop at buys for a specific operation of the Guild of Hussacináros Slovenského grob. The gift voucher is only valid with a paid invoice, which together with the order and a visual of the voucher will be sent to the buyer by e-mail after the payment has been made.
Method of ordering
A gift voucher for goose parties worth 100 euros or 150 euros can be ordered online via the website through the shopping cart.
Payment method
For a gift voucher for a goose party, which the visitor orders in the e-shop at can pay in two ways:
- Bank transfer to the account number IBAN SK59 0900 0000 0050 8209 2975, Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s
- Card payment through the Stripe payment gateway
Method and time of delivery
After paying and crediting the amount to the bank account of the Regional Tourism Organization of Malá Karpaty, the buyer will immediately receive the e-mail address that he entered in the order form in the e-shop at a notification that his order has been fulfilled, including proof of payment - an invoice and a visual of the gift voucher, with which he can prove himself in electronic or printed form when entering the selected establishment of the Poultry Guild of Slovenského Grob.
Order Cancellation
The buyer can cancel the order via e-mail to the seller within 3 hours from the delivery of the order to the seller. To email sends a notification that it is canceling the order within the specified period. The buyer is obliged to state the order number, company name or name, address, phone number in the order cancellation notification. contact, e-mail and account number to which he wishes to return the money.
The buyer agrees to the processing of his personal data: name and surname or company, residential address, billing address, identification number, tax identification number, e-mail address, telephone number (hereinafter referred to as personal data). He agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, for the purpose of realizing the rights and obligations from the purchase contract. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data (when registering, in his user account, when ordering from the web interface of the store) correctly and truthfully and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay about a change in his personal data. Internet store operator processes the personal data of its customers in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments and additions to certain laws ("Act on the Protection of Personal Data").
Claims and warranty
We will deal with any complaints to your satisfaction by an individual agreement with you and in accordance with the applicable legal norm.
Supervisory authority
Supervision of the seller's compliance with the consumer's obligations is the Slovak Trade Inspection, specifically the office of the SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region, Prievozská 32, PO Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, no.: 02/ 58272 172-3, 02/58272 104 fax no.: 02/ 58272 170, email:
Definition of terms for the ART card project
The organizer of the ART card project is the Regional Tourism Organization Malé Karpaty, with registered office: Štúrova 59, 900 01 Modra, registered in the register of tourism organizations of the Ministry of Transport and Construction of the Slovak Republic, ID: 50110641, VAT ID: 2120248812, not a VAT payer.
The seller is the same as the organizer.
Museums and galleries
The following museums and galleries participated in the ART card project: Šimák Castle Pezinok (Glass Gallery, JAWA motorbikes exhibition, Pálffy apartments, Museum of Viticulture and Winery), Small Carpathian Museum in Pezinok, Metské Museum Pezinok, Zoya Museum, Ignác Bizmayer Gallery, SNM-Múzeum Ľ. Štúra and SNM-Museum of Slovak Ceramic Sculpture in Modra.
The product is a QR code that is valid until the end of 2024 and allows one entry per year to seven museums and galleries in the Lesser Carpathian region listed in the "Museums and Galleries" section. The price for one QR code is 24 euros.
A buyer is a person who buys one of the products via the e-shop at
A visitor is a person who, when entering a specific museum or gallery, identifies himself with a ticket - a QR code that will be sent to him by email after payment.
The product ticket is a one-time QR code to the seven museums and galleries listed in the "Museums and Galleries" section, which the visitor purchases at The ticket price is 24 euros.
Method of ordering
The visitor can order the ticket online through the website through the shopping cart. The ticket price is 24 euros.
Payment method
For a ticket to museums and galleries, which the visitor orders in the e-shop at can pay in two ways:
- Bank transfer to the account number IBAN SK59 0900 0000 0050 8209 2975, Slovenská sporiteľňa, a.s
- Card payment through the Stripe payment gateway
Method and time of delivery
After paying and crediting the amount to the bank account of the Regional Tourism Organization of Malá Karpaty, the buyer will immediately receive it at the email address that he entered in the order form in the e-shop a notification that his order has been completed and a unique QR code will be shown when entering the museums and galleries involved in the project.
Order Cancellation
The buyer can cancel the order via e-mail to the seller within 3 hours from the delivery of the order to the seller. To email sends a notification that it is canceling the order within the specified period. The buyer is obliged to state the order number, company name or name, address, phone number in the order cancellation notice. contact, e-mail and account number to which he wishes to return the money.
The buyer agrees to the processing of his personal data: name and surname or company, residential address, billing address, identification number, tax identification number, e-mail address, telephone number (hereinafter referred to as personal data). He agrees to the processing of personal data by the seller, for the purpose of realizing the rights and obligations from the purchase contract. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data (when registering, in his user account, when ordering from the web interface of the store) correctly and truthfully and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay about a change in his personal data. Internet store operator processes the personal data of its customers in accordance with Act no. 122/2013 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendments and additions to certain laws ("Act on the Protection of Personal Data").
Claims and warranty
We will deal with any complaints to your satisfaction by an individual agreement with you and in accordance with the applicable legal norm.
Supervisory authority
Supervision of the seller's compliance with the consumer's obligations is the Slovak Trade Inspection, specifically the office of the SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava region, Prievozská 32, PO Box 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, no.: 02/ 58272 172-3, 02/58272 104 fax no.: 02/ 58272 170, email: