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Before Pila became Pila, the village was called Nová Ves pod Hrado Červený Kameň. This is how it is also mentioned in the first written mention from 1602. The name Píla, which changed several times until it became stable again in 1953, refers to the sawmills that were built here by the owners of the castle. You can learn about the rich history of the village on the Educational Trail under the Červený Kamen Castle. 

You will see the remains of a flour mill that once belonged to the Pálfi family and during the 2nd St. during the war it housed the headquarters of the German army garrison. The water from the Gidra stream was also used by the hammer, in which copper boilers were manufactured until 1916. Subsequently, the operation was converted into a rolling mill for flour mills and a machine shop. The next stop is the cemetery, where the family tomb of the Brunovský family will be of interest. At the beginning of the 20th century, they operated a flour mill and a rolling mill. Further along the way stood the area of the manor's sawmill - originally water-powered, later steam-powered. The last remnant after the economic operation here is the area of the former mayor.  

Also see the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary from the 17th century, which is revealed by the vault, the profiled cornice around its perimeter and the stone portal. The painting of the Virgin Mary Immaculate on the entrance facade of the church also dates from this period, which is said to have been shot at by a man's hunter, causing him to go blind. An arched bridge from the end of the 18th century led to the church from the road, but it did not survive the onslaught of the flood in 2011.

The Pálfiovská papieren was also located in Píla, which also supplied paper for the printing press of the University of Trnava. After its demise, several establishments were established here, e.g. Hubert's (Holešova, Trnkova) sawmill. Unfortunately, nothing remains of these monuments. The fire station is part of the educational trail. The point marked as Žlábek/Prielom Gidra has been a source of drinking water since time immemorial, and you can drink from the spring even today. A short distance from here, you will learn that before the school was established here in 1904, children studied at the castle for a while. On the other side of the stream stood a powder mill or a hammer for crushing gunpowder, later adapted to a mill. At the end of the educational trail, there is a memorial to the partisan group Janko Kráľ, which was founded in Bratislava in 1942. It camped above Zochová cottage and on the Prostredník nad Pílou hill. In the end, the group did not take part in any combat operations, it was disarmed during the transfer and its commanders were killed in the bombing. Well, this history also shaped the present face of the village of Píla. 

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