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OOCR Small Carpathians

Our task is to support and create conditions for the development of tourism in our territory and to protect the interests of our members.

The Malé Karpaty Regional Tourism Organization was established in 2015. We are a legal entity established under Act No. 91/2010 Coll. on the promotion of tourism. Our task is to support and create conditions for the development of tourism in our territory and to protect the interests of our 27 members.

These include the cities of Pezinok, Modra, Svätý Jur and the municipalities of Dubová, Píla, Vinosady, Budmerice, Slovenský Grob, Šenkvice, Limbach, Doľany. Hotels Zochova chata (Grapent, as), Hotel pod lipou (Vasca, sro) and Šimák castle Pezinok (Palace Hotel Pezinok, sro). Wine associations and associations are also members: Association of Malokarpatská vínna cesta, Svätojurský vinohradnícky spolok, Víno z Modra, Chute Malé Karpaty, Association of winegrowers and vintners in Šenkvice, as well as ceramicists - Slovak folk majolica and Majolika-R, Guild of geese of Slovenský Grob, Small Carpathian Museum in Pezinok, Pod Gaštanko, but also the non-profit organization Barbora, which stands behind Geopark Malé Karpaty, Pálffy Castle in St. Jura (PALK, as), incoming agency Enjoy Slovakia DMC, Malokarpatské osvetové center, Microregion Červený kamen, association of municipalities and SNM-Múzeum Ľ. Stúra in Blue.

Chairman of the Board: Mgr. Juraj Petrakovič, mayor of Modry.

Vice Chairman: PhDr. Martin Hrubala, PhD., director of the Small Carpathian Museum in Pezinok.

Executive Director: Mgr. Zuzana Tichá.

Chairman of the Supervisory Board: PhDr. Jozef Savklukiak, MBA, mayor of Budmerice.

Members of the Supervisory Board: Ing. Roman Mács, mayor of Pezinok, Ing. Miriam Fuňová, chairwoman of the board of Slovenská ľudova majolica, as, Miroslav Jajcay, president of the Guild of Hussacinárov Slovenského Grob.

Do you want to become our member? Write to us at director@malekarpaty.travel.

Statutes of OOCR Malé Karpaty for download.

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