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Transport and parking

You can easily get to us - it's just a "jump" away from the capital. You have several options to choose from.

By car: OOCR Malé Karpaty is located at Štúrová street no. 59 in Modra, where you can reach by road II. class no. 502 (leads from Bratislava to Vrbový and provides the main connection between towns and villages on the eastern side of the Small Carpathians: Svätý Jur, Pezinok, Modra, Limbach and Bratislava). Road II leads from Trnava to Modra. class no. 504.

By bus: the bus stop is directly in Modra on Štúrová street in both directions. Here you can find a suitable bus connection http://cp.atlas.sk/bus/spojenie/

By train: train stations are in Svät Jura (15 km from Bratislava), Pezinek (21 km from Bratislava), Šenkvicie (27 km from Bratislava) and Trnava (approx. 50 km from Bratislava). Find a suitable train connection https://www.zsr.sk

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