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Christmas stop

13. 12. - 14. 12. 2024  17:00/12:00 - 21:00


The city of Modra and the Modra Cultural Center invite you to the city's charity Christmas markets Christmas stop. We will meet on Friday, December 13 and Saturday, December 14 in the area in front of the cultural center, Sokolská 8. 

The program: 
Friday 13.12. from 17.00 h
17.00 h Opening ceremony
18.00 h Bethlehem play children from the Modra secondary school
19.00 h Carols presented by DFS Magdalénka

Saturday 14.12. from 12:00 to 20:00 h
12:00 p.m. Christmas Star, United School Modra
1:00 p.m. Christ the Lord was born, Vajanského Primary School
2 p.m. Christmas with angels and devils, ZŠ Ľ. Stura
3:00 p.m. Christmas with ZUŠ Modra
16.00 h A Christmas tale, puppet show NevaDivadlo (admission 2 euros)
17.00 h Cantica (Z)nova – mixed choir (selection of well-known Christmas melodies and carols)
19.00 h ENIESA in the Christmas mood (a trip to a fairy-tale musical land)

Accompanying program
Live clock of the REVIA Foundation in partnership with OZ AmavetSaturday at 17.00, 18.00 and 19.00 
A living nativity scene, Friday (17.00-19.30), Saturday (14.00-18.00)
Ceramic nativity scene, authors Marián Liška and Jozef Franko / interior of the cultural house Creative workshops with OZ ĽUSK and DSS MEREMA / interior of the cultural center, Friday 17.00-19.30, Saturday 12.00-19.00 
Antique store of the City Library / interior of the cultural center
Charitable game goulash of the city of Modra in cooperation with Ján Chalabal, Friday from 17.00
Demonstrations of traditional folk crafts
Sales stands – wine, honey, tea, punch, wafers, cakes, gingerbread, Christmas decorations, blue pottery, books and everything else. 

Program change reserved. Current information on www.kcmodra.sk.

Contact and information
Cultural center Modra
+421 33 647 21 12

Organizers: Cultural center Modra a City of Blue

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