The play "Učet" is a great opportunity for three experienced, expressive actors - Ady Hajda, Lukáš Latinák and Róbert Jakab. The awakening of three friends after a night of "overdoing" together leads this trio to search for answers: what, with whom and how it happened... and especially who will pay for it all, since the amount on the account haunts especially the stingiest of them.
The different natures of the three friends, their conflict and at the same time camaraderie bring funny situations that reveal their true characters and hold the viewer's attention. It's definitely not boring.
Directed by: Jakub Nvota • Author of the play: Clement Michel • Translation: Elena Flašková (Slovakia) • Music: Kamil Mikulčík • Scene: Eva Kudláčová Rácová • Costumes: Eva Kudláčová Rácová • They play: Ady Hajdu, Lukáš Latinák (Slovakia), Róbert Jakab
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