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Noblemen. Stories from a better society.

20. 11. 2022  18:00 - 20:00


Tragicomic stories about the belief that we are special, but also about degeneration, about syphilis that can be prayed for, about an infirm old man in a wheelchair who can still be the best father, but only to an unborn child. Still – a comedy.

The new production The Nobles. Tales from a better society is another play of the SkRAT theater, which was created using the method of collective creation. It is linked with references to the work of AP Chekhov, and the authors and performers freely supplemented it as they wished. Authors and performers: L. Fričova, D. Gudabová, N. Okolicsányiová, J. Belica, M. Chalmovský, Ľ. Burgr, music and direction: Ľ. Burgr

Entrance fee: na www.tootoot.fm or in the office of KC Modra, kontakt@kcmodra.sk, 033/647 21 12
€10 on site / €9 in advance / €2 discount for students 

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Contact Noblemen. Stories from a better society.