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Midsummer Night's Dream

22. 6. 2024  18:00 - 06.00

Svätý Jur

We have another year of the vineyard mini open-air fest. We invite you June 22, 2024 to spend the shortest night of the year in the company of St. George's winemakers and their wines, by the St. John's bonfire, quality food and a colorful marathon of great live music. The entrance fee for the event, 10 euros, is bought on the spot. You can practice the consumption of wine juices either with your own glasses, or we will lend you a wine glass for a deposit. You pay for the wine directly from the winemakers.

The event was prepared for you by the Svätojurský vinohradnícky spolok and the City of Svätý Jur in cooperation with I. Svätojurská as and the Voluntary Fire Brigade of Svätý Jur.

Music program:

Unmown meadows - Bratislava alternative blues
Her Memories - Woodstock atmosphere
Punto sun & fishy heads - striking village gypsy - swig, etho, country - folk - groove
Beat band - the best from the 60s-80s. years
PiJem – Funky groove load from the Lesser Carpathians
B*D*H*S – Blinking brass music system

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