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Open cellars on Sv. Urbana

24. 5. 2024  14:00 - 21:00

Modra, Pezinok, Šenkvice, Svätý Jur

For 17 years, Malocarpathian winemakers have been opening their cellars in the most beautiful time of the year - in May. It is an opportunity to taste wines from last year's harvest in 116 cellars and compare their efforts.

Where can you taste wines? In Devín, in Rač, Vajnory, Sväty Jura, Limbach, Pezinek, Modra, Šenkvicy... the last /or the first/ are Doľany. Some cellars are open year after year, some are added, change location, the winemaker builds a new one - a more beautiful one.

For two days in May, you have the opportunity to taste wines in a homely environment, where a winemaker who spent weeks in the vineyard pouring for you, whose effort was to make the best wine from his own grapes.

The ticket for this unique tasting experience costs EUR 50, but it includes a EUR 25 bonus for buying the wines you liked the most, a map that will easily lead you to the cellars, a glass in a bag so you don't get lost on the way, and a passport , so that even after some time at home, you will remember which winemaker you should return to for wine. You can buy tickets soon at: https://mvc.sk/podujatie/otvorene-pivnice-na-sv-urbana-2024

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