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Lúčnica - Advent concert

4. 12. 2022  17:00 - 18:00


For believers, the four-week period of Advent is mainly a time of spiritual preparation and repentance before the celebration of Christmas, the joyful memory of the Nativity of the Lord. The period of quiet reflection and joyful anticipation is also enhanced by music that surrounds and uplifts us, and so the choir and orchestra of the Lúčnica Art Ensemble have prepared Advent concerts, at which they will perform sacred and secular works that will spiritually envelop the listener. In the works of international and domestic authors, we will find piety, celebration, humility and joy, a cappella choral sacred compositions will be performed, players will perform on unusual musical instruments - dulcimer, flute and pan flute, violins will be played and young people gifted with a love of singing will sing.

They act:
Choir and orchestra of the Lúčnica Art Ensemble
Zuzana Weiserová – soprano
Marek Janko – organ
Martin Sleziak – artistic director of the orchestra
Elena Matušová – conductor 
Program length: 1 hour without a break

You can buy tickets here: https://bit.ly/3g1HtnY or or at the KC office in Modra, kontakt@kcmodra.sk, 033/647 21 12. 

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