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Summer reading room

22. 8. 2024  10:00 - 20:00


Accept the invitation to the garden at the Culture House in Modra for a summer holiday reading room. Every Thursday you will find a pleasant place to relax, read, leaf through magazines, play with children and an interesting program.

Program of the summer reading room – August 2024

22. 8. Summer reading room: Playground in a book
workshop for children with lecturer Katarína Cigánová from the Little Carpathian Library in Pezinok 
organizer: City Library in Modra 
place: garden near KC Modra 
entrance fee: €2 

Admission to all events is free.
Organizer: City Library in Modra
The events in the summer reading room were supported by the ZSE Foundation as a project Summer stories from the garden.

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