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30. 11. 2023  18:00 - 19:00


Accept an invitation to the theatrical performance HROZNÁ combined with wine tasting in the wonderful cellar of Malé divy winery in Modra.

Writer Viola Almássyová, a native of Jura, and her book "Shursky dragon and other horrors" inspired us to create the puppet production "Hrózná". The theme of family and forgiveness is reflected in the story of two sisters who reveal the secrets of St. George, and also of their wine-growing family, at the mercy of their father. Come with us to experience their journey to "finish" the best wine. This intimate site-specific production is created especially for the space of vineyard cellars, where its charm stands out even more. It is suitable for everyone who loves legends, secrets, humor and good wine.

Anima - Act aims to create unique cultural and social activities, especially in the city of Svätý Jur. Their first activity Terrible is a theatrical production with puppetry and interactive elements, which draws on the legends and rich history of the free royal city of Svätý Jur. The production will bring a personal experience to the audience not only through sound and image, but also through the taste buds.

The theater is intended for adult viewers and children from 9 years of age. The €10 ticket price includes a tasting of quality wine and sweet cider for children. Tickets can be purchased on the day of the performance directly at the Lesser Carpathian Museum.

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