The theater play Spleť with the theme of (cyber)bullying, presented by the Theater Center, has something to say not only to children, but also to teachers and parents.
IN Space "KÁ", which we created for young people in Behind the Curtain Club in KC Modra, you can see her June 5.
Be yourself, because the others are already occupied.
A story about young people from a generation that is among the loneliest generations in the world. Veronika is a Roma, adopted by white parents. Parents, partly because of their work, create an image of the ideal family on social networks. Although they love their daughter very much, they don't have much time for her. Even at school, Veronika can't find friends, she is even willing to accept behavior that she doesn't realize is bullying. Veronika is afraid to get close to someone. She is exposed to cyberbullying because of her origin, appearance, original opinions and attitudes. In response to his otherness and loneliness, he creates a virtual profile of Bianka, his prettier and bolder alter ego, on social networks. After the media coverage of the bullying case in Miloslavov, Veronika discovers that her life also resembles the life of the victim from the news. Can he get out of it all and start anew?
After the performance, there will be a discussion with the creators and experts from IPčka about the themes of the production as well as tools in the online and offline space that can help young people resist bullying. The performance is primarily intended for schoolchildren, but everyone who is interested in the topic is welcome. If you are interested, you can reserve entry via email