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Furman pub


An integral part of the Hotel Zochova chata complex is the stylish wooden Furmanská pub. In the atmosphere of a magical fairy-tale cottage, the stove will warm you during the winter months, and in the summer months you will find shade under the crowns of old beech trees. The combination of authentic Slovak countryside and Slovak specialties creates a place perfect for family celebrations, wine tasting or corporate events. The environment has gained great popularity among foreign guests as well.


MON – THURS closed

FRI 12:00 – 22:00

SAT 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

SUN and holidays 10:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.

Furmanská krčka is available for rent for private and corporate events on tel. no.: +421 33 2633 314, or restaurant@hzch.sk

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