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A day in the vineyards®

7. 9. 2024  12:00 - 22:00

Modra, Pezinok, Šenkvice, Svätý Jur

Taste unique wines in the vineyards of Little Carpathian winemakers. You can go for a great vineyard experience on foot, by car, or by bicycle. 68 winemakers will offer their wines in vineyards from Rača to Svätý Jur, Limbach, Pezinok, Šenkvice to Modra. 

The ticket includes a map that will make your journey easier. The winemakers have chosen for you the most beautiful places in the vineyards where they will offer wines: Hon Šinveg in Rač, Hofweigarten behind the city walls in Sv. Jure, Hasensprung in Limbach, Kamenica na Stara Hora in Pezinek, under Kalvária in Modra, the lane of Šenković winemakers in the Kozare vineyard...

You will soon be able to buy tickets in advance at https://mvc.sk/podujatie/den-vo-vinohradoch-2024

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